Last Update: more than 1 week ago
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General of the Army
- Score: 708,814
- Kills: 30,485
- Deaths: 9,119
- K/D Ratio: 3.34
- Time: 398h 45m
- Combat Score: 0
- Team Score: 18,366
- Squad Score: 18,336
- Objective Score: 152,097
- Bonus Score: 191,483
- Score per Minute: 30
- Global Accuracy: 0%
- Games: 2,098
- Wins: 1,490
- Losses: 608
- W/L Ratio: 2.45
- Dogtags: 834
- Teamkills: 256
- Average Lifetime: 2m 22s
19/20 Multiplayer PS3 Trophies

Get Me Started
- Play one complete ranked game.

- Play 100 online matches.

Never Used A Door
- Destroy 1000 walls.

Forest Ranger
- Destroy 1000 trees.

With My Devil Dogs
- Create a squad in the menu, find a friend and play one round.

There is no "I" in Squad!
- 20 squad spawns on player in a round without dying.

Dog Owner
- 5 unique dogtags collected

Get the Dog!
- 50 unique dogtags collected

Be the Best
- Place #1 on the scoreboard.

- Get at least 1 kill in every vehicle.

- Reach rank 3.

Master Sergeant
- Reach rank 8.

- Reach rank 20.

General of the Army
- Reach rank 25 (highest rank).

Drive By
- 100 kills using vehicles.

Catch the "Bad" Moment
- Take 3 pictures using the image system.

Darwin's Parachute
- Glide in the parachute for 3 seconds.

I am Bad Company!
- Achieve all of the awards (Trophies, Wildcards, Patches).

Ooh Rah
- Achieve half of the awards (Trophies, Wildcards, Patches).

Beans, Bullets and Bandages
- 10002 kills