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  • Score: 676
  • Kills: 23
  • Deaths: 183
  • K/D Ratio: 0.13
  • Time: 2h 34m
  • Combat Score: 0
  • Team Score: 11
  • Squad Score: 90
  • Objective Score: 120
  • Bonus Score: 225
  • Score per Minute: 4
  • Global Accuracy: 0%
  • Games: 12
  • Wins: 2
  • Losses: 10
  • W/L Ratio: 0.20
  • Dogtags: 7
  • Teamkills: 6
  • Average Lifetime: 36s

1/42 unique trophies, 2 total

Assault Rifle Efficiency
  • 6 Kills with Assault Rifle.
Grenadier Efficiency
  • 3 Kills with Grenade playing Assault.
Grenade Launcher Efficiency
  • 6 Kills with Grenade Launcher.
Carbine Efficiency
  • 6 Kills with M16A2.
  • 5 Kills with Sniper Rifle.
Firearm Efficiency
  • 3 Kills with Handgun.
Laser Designating Efficiency
  • 3 Kills from Laser Designating.
SVU Efficiency
  • 5 Kills with the SVU.
Rocket Launcher Efficiency
  • 3 Kills with the Rocket Launcher.
Shotgun Efficiency
  • 5 Kills with the Shotgun.
Frag Out Efficiency
  • 3 kills with the Grenade while playing Demolition Kit.
Mine Placement Efficiency
  • 3 Kills with the AT Mine.
Light Machinegun Efficiency
  • 6 Kills with Light Machinegun.
  • 30 Heal Points from medkit.
Combat Engineer
  • 30 Vehicle Repair Points.
Mortar Strike Efficiency
  • 3 Kills with Mortar Strike.
Compact Assault Rifle Efficiency
  • 6 Kills with Compact Assault Rifle.
Target Tagging Efficiency
  • 2 Kill Assists from Dartgun Tagging.
Demo Pack Efficiency
  • 3 Kills with C4.
  • 6 Kills with UMP.
Explosive Efficiency
  • 10 Kills with Explosives.
Melee Combat (Dogtag)
  • 5 Melee Kills.
Combat Efficiency
  • 6 Kill Streak.
Kill Assist
  • 5 Kill Assists.
  • 30 Savior Points.
  • In a Round 30 Avenger Points.
High Card
  • Get the best IAR score.
Wheels Of Hazard
  • 2 Road Kills.
Transport Vehicle
  • 5 Kills with Transport Vehicle.
Tank Warfare
  • 5 Kills with Tanks.
Naval Surface Warfare
  • 5 Kills with a Sea Vehicle.
Combat Aviator
  • 5 kills with an Air Vehicle.
Clear Skies
  • 5 kills with Air Defense.
  • 5 Kills with a Stationary Weapon.
Winning Team
  • Winning the Round.
Big Guns
  • 5 Kills with Artillery.
Objective Destroyer
  • Destroy 3 Objectives.
Objective Attack
  • Destroy the last Objective.
Objective Defender
  • In a Round 18 Defend Bonus Points.
Squad Member
  • Assist or Save 5 Squad Members.
Squad Medication
  • 80 Squad member heal points.
Best Squad
  • Best squad of the round.