Last Update: more than 1 week ago
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  • Score: 676
  • Kills: 23
  • Deaths: 183
  • K/D Ratio: 0.13
  • Time: 2h 34m
  • Combat Score: 0
  • Team Score: 11
  • Squad Score: 90
  • Objective Score: 120
  • Bonus Score: 225
  • Score per Minute: 4
  • Global Accuracy: 0%
  • Games: 12
  • Wins: 2
  • Losses: 10
  • W/L Ratio: 0.20
  • Dogtags: 7
  • Teamkills: 6
  • Average Lifetime: 36s

1/30 wildcards

  • In a Round: 20 Kills from Headshots.
  • Global: 80 Kills with Handgun.
  • In a Round: 4 Roadkills with any air vehicle.
Dead Eye
  • Global: Get 100 Headshots with any sniper rifle.
Snake Eyes
  • In a Round: Get 11 Kills as 2 different classes.
Deuces Are Wild
  • In a Round: Kill two enemies of each kit.
Beat The House
  • In a Round: 15 Grenade Kills.
Armor Buster
  • In a Round: Kill 5 Armored Vehicles
    25 Total Helicopter Kills.
Tank Buster
  • In a Round: Kill 5 Tanks
    25 Total Tank Kills.
Chopper Chopper
  • In a Round: Kill 5 Air Vehicles
    25 Total Helicopter Kills.
1 On 1 Land
  • In a Round: Destroy a Tank of the same kind without using any assistance.
1 On 1 Sea
  • In a Round: Destroy a Sea Vehicle of the same kind without any assistance.
1 On 1 Air
  • In a Round: Destroy an Air Vehicle of the same kind without any assistance.
Straight Flush
  • In a Round: Destroy 1 Vehicle of each kind.
Three Of A Kind
  • In a Round: Destroy 3 Vehicles of the same kind.
Five Of A Kind
  • In a Round: Destroy 5 Vehicles of the same kind.
Full House
  • In a Round: Destroy 3 vehicles of same kind and two of another.
Cab Driver
  • In a Round: 5 minutes as the Driver in a vehicle with passengers.
  • In a Round: 2 seconds Airtime in a Land Vehicle.
Staying Dry
  • 50 kills with naval vehicles.
Two Pair
  • In a Round: Get 2 of any 2 Trophies.
Santa's Little Helper
  • In a Round: 10 Kill Assist Points.
Full Deck
  • In a Round: 52 Total Kills.
  • Global: x50 Saviour Trophies.
  • Global: x50 Avenger Trophies.
Destruction Site
  • In a Round: Destroy 1000 objects.
  • In a Round: Kill 5 enemies within 2 seconds.
Squad Wild Card
  • In a Round: 1 Squad Member Trophy + 10 kills per squad member.
Top Squad Wild Card
  • Become the best squad on each map.
Squad Avenger Card
  • Global: Get 100 Avenger kills avenging squad members.